One of the benefits of a TW3 membership is having your own blog. Creating a blog is easy and I’ve found it to be one of the best ways to get free traffic to my website. A blog also helps…
Empathy – The Best Leadership Trait
Today’s blog is a good one and it comes from my friend, Steve Gilliland. Steve’s America’s #1 speaker Experienced corporate managers recognize the difference between management and leading. A leader isn’t focused solely on productivity and prioritizes the growth…
Personal Motivation Tricks to Increase Efficiency
Received this earlier from Steve Gilliland. It’s worth taking the time to read. Intrinsic Motivation is an essential tool needed to get ahead in any aspect of life. With the help of motivation, any challenge or obstruction becomes easier to…
Word of the Year 2022 – Accountability
Do you do New Year’s resolutions? It’s a common practice to do a New Year’s resolution. I don’t. If something needs done, why wait until the beginning of the year to embark on needed change. I do a word of…
30 Day Challenge
You know as well as I do that resolutions made this time of the year very rarely last longer than the first two weeks of the year. Why? Because the idea of change and all the rewards it promises is…
One thing that makes me nuts is when people tell me that they understand the “law of attraction” when they really don’t. It’s not about “visualizing success” and then sitting back and doing nothing. Or worse, it’s doing what doesn’t…