TW3 Marketing

Are good salespeople born or made?

A man who trains people to sell has an answer, and talks about how the field has changed.

Brian Bar Victory Lap CEO

The art of selling gets little attention at most business schools. You can take classes in anything from marketing to social media outreach to web page design in college, but you won’t get trained in what to do once you’re sitting across from a customer trying to close the deal.

A growing fraternity of specialists aims to close this education gap. The Chicago example is Victory Lap, founded in 2016 by former tech sales vice president Brian Bar, who earned his stripes in sales with Groupon a decade ago.

When he left the daily deal promoter in 2014, the company had shot from 500 to 13,000 employees in the space of a couple of years—most of them salespeople—and was having trouble turning raw recruits out of college into crackerjack sellers.

Based in River North, Victory Lap offers online classes to either aspiring or experienced salespeople seeking a boost in their selling skills. Tuition is results-based—you don’t start paying Victory Lap until you’ve landed a job—the basic course runs 60 hours over five weeks, with most students paying $416 a month over 24 months. Employers also can pay Victory Lap to train its sales staffers.

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