TW3 Marketing

Goal Setting: Inch by Inch

As we inch our way into 2023, it’s important that we shift our minds from the past into the future. We have to be intentional about moving forward into the new year.

TW3 Marketing Bobby Christy blog article Inch by Inch

Where Will Your Goals Take You?

It’s a known fact that those who consciously frame their future intentions are more likely to succeed and hit their goals.  

Answer this question:

Where do you want to be next December 31st?

What do want to have accomplished?

How about more revenue?

Could it be more leads?

For me, I want to really expand my business into new markets. I have my sights set on Austin, TX and the Research Triangle area of NC.

After you’ve done this, I want you to make a note in your calendar for next December 31, 2023, to go back and read what you’ve just written down.

We’re driven by goals and accomplishments. The only way you’ll accomplish what you set out to do is to write down what you intend to do. Thinking about it doesn’t cut it – by writing it down longhand, you hard wire it into your subconscious mind.

Even when you’re not thinking about it, it’s working in the background influencing your action.

I’m not nuts, this is science.

Trust me it works.


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