Listen to the full story of how failure was converted to an asset rather than a liability
Terry Wilson III is the founder and president of TW3 and
TW3 is a global membership network made up of more than 3,800 independent entrepreneurs from 70 plus different industries.
Entrepreneurs use his training and technology daily to discover, develop, and monetize their businesses and income streams.
Terry and his wife Jeanna have raised and homeschooled their 5 children in the South Carolina upstate. The entire family loves sports and can be frequently seen cheering on their 2 favorite teams, the Atlanta Braves baseball team and the University of North Carolina Tar Heels basketball team.
Terry and Jeanna minister at their local church by leading worship, preaching, teaching, coaching and lending a hand wherever they are needed.
Terry has been entrepreneur since his freshman year of high school. He believes that entrepreneurialism is the only way a person will ever reach and experience their full potential.
Terry’s career as an entrepreneur spans more than 25 years. There have been many wins, a few losses, but only one message. It has been and always will be: